There are different ways to present and pack our products: Big-bags, baskets, cages, sacks ... If you want to use the ARID PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR, you can access it on the Detail of each product where you can calculate the quantity of containers needed to cover the desired surface as well as its thickness, depending on the type of product and its granulometry.

If you need more information, please contact us. Surely we have a solution for you.


Mini cage of bowling and rocks.

The alternative to the cage, smaller and easy to handle.
Small format, on wooden pallet 60 * 80.
Sale of material by pieces, not by Kilos

Plastic Bags 20kg

Generally used for the packaging of sands, ponds and gravels. They facilitate their transport, both individually and palletized. Ideal for marketing in garden-centers or gardening centers. Its easy handling allows the manipulation by customers for small areas of garden, or small areas such as planters or fences of trees and plants.

Big-Bag 1000KG

Big-Bags are sacs which can be managed very easy with anything type of material, especially arids.

BIG-BAG Transport

Big-Bags allow to transport our materials in a economic form,  because the crane today makes a good work and replace tranport by tons, because this type of tranport is easier to manage, clean and cheaper than other means of transport.

Palletized Plastic Bags 20Kg

Generally used to sand package, pipeclay and gravels. It’s easy to transport, individually and palletized. 

Plastic Bags 5kg

Ideal bags to small works as aquariums or pots decoration.

Shared cages

These cages or metallic baskets, is home to 4 differents options of garden material inside. They’ve served as atmosphere separator, such in gardens and interiors. Here is presented palletized because it’s easier to manage and to install.

Metallic cages

These metallic cages or boulder and stones of loose stones, can be presented in 4 different material options inside.

 You can use it to separate spaces or an ornamental element in gardens or interior or as storage system. Here is presented palletized because is easier to manage an to install.


There’re prepared to comercialise in garden centers. They are used for semiprecious stones, gravels and pebbles of low granulometry. You can consult the ticket for each material to know his packaged form.

Pallets with 2 Big-Bags of 0.5 m3

Big-Bags allow to transport our materials in a economic form,  because the crane today makes a good work and replace tranport by tons, because this type of tranport is easier to manage, clean and cheaper than other means of transport.

Programa FEDER ERP Certificado de calidad ISO 9001

“Esta actuación está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020”