The Directorate of ENVASADOR ARISAC with a control of environmental impacts and respect for it.

The processes for the activity of sales and distribution of stone material for decoration and garden , fulfilling their expectations effectively and efficiently, respecting the environment. To do this, ENVASADOR ARISAC is supported as a management tool in the pillars of the International Standard unites EN-ISO 9001 and 14001 , as a frame of reference to achieve the following objectives.

  • The supply of products of the best quality and with the best service in a professional and customer service.
  • Customer's satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Compliance with the applicable regulatory and regulatory requirements, including those of ISO 9001 and 14001.
  • Bet on an integrated and prepared human team for effective and efficient management towards the user.
  • Continue working to continually improve and achieve a real and effective commitment to the client.
  • Promote the rational use of resources, their efficient and recycling management, the minimization of the impacts of productive activity and the prevention of pollution. 
Programa FEDER ERP Certificado de calidad ISO 9001

“Esta actuación está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020”