Silice River Tumbled Boulder

Silice River Tumbled Boulder Ver galería (3)
  • 80/100 mm.
  • 120/150 mm.
  • 150/200 mm.
  • 200/400 mm.
  • Mini Bag
  • Jaula/kg., Big-Bag 1000 kg. aprox., Mini Jaula/ud.
  • Jaula/kg., Big-Bag 1000 kg. aprox., Mini Jaula/ud.
  • Big-Bag 1000 kg. aprox., Mini Jaula/ud.


Silice River Tumbled Boulder it’s a natural product, more polished than other tumbled boulders, and very hardness because it has a mineral composition.  It has a flattened form, and we can find Silice River Tumbled Boulder of different colors but similars.

It’s  cheaper than other tumbled boulders because it’s natural, and it doesn’t have artificial round. People usually use it to gavion stuffing.


  • Gardens
  • Planter
  • Garden way and path
  • Cork
  • Roundabout
  • Delimit areas or  materials
  • Gavion stuffing
  • Interior decoration
  • Garden pictures


Silice River Tumbled Boulder is usually used to gavion stuffing because it’s natural and tough.


Our commercials offer comercial  work and introduction of new arids ornamentals and new tendency in use arids in gardening and construction area.


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Programa FEDER ERP Certificado de calidad ISO 9001

“Esta actuación está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020”