Slate Column With Holes

Slate Column With Holes Ver galería (2)
  • Nº 21
  • Clase M


Column Slate Model with holes is a very special product. It’s a national product and they had been chosen by their quantity of colors, streaks, dimensions and shapes.

This monolith has some holes created artificially very aesthetic.

These Columns Slates with Holes Models are uniques, every one has a different form and it’s served every model separated, so we’ve classified for weight, dimensions, number and class.

They are special models, with big dimensions used to decorate in gardening and contruction.

The big model has been used since old civilizations for their different meanings, and today still has the posibility to decorate our spaces, as an interior or exterior areas, to do beauty and singularity in our projects.


  • Japanese Garden
  • Monolith
  • Model Gardens
  • Interior and exterior decorations
  • Paving floors with mortar


Our commercials offer comercial  work and introduction of new arids ornamentals and new tendency in use arids in gardening and construction area.

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“Esta actuación está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020”