White gravel
Decorative White Gravel is a crushed arid obtained from the recycling of marble quarries. It’s a very dense and crystalized material, as it is very clean many times. People usually uses this type of gravel.
It has crystaline white, is for that that is very used in places where the light isn’t enough, because the light reflects and the atmosphere is very warm.
- Gardens
- Planter
- Garden way and path
- Cork
- Roundabout
- Delimit areas or materials
- Interior decoration
Its white colour offers an easy combination with any type of arid or material. White Grave is very used in gardens ZEN with all granulometries, mixed with dark colors, as a black or volcanic gravel.
Our commercials offer comercial work and introduction of new arids ornamentals and new tendency in use arids in gardening and construction area.