Green Gravel

Green Gravel Ver galería (2)
  • 9/12 mm.
  • 20/28 mm.
  • Big-Bag 1000 kg. aprox., Saco Plástico 20 kg.
  • Big-Bag 1000 kg. aprox., Saco Plástico 20 kg.

Both gravel and chippings are able to protect the soil from sudden changes in temperature, at the same time as they preserve soil dampness. The fact that they hardly need any maintenance is replacing lawns, thus saving lots of water on irrigation. These materials are wonderful in order to achieve different shapes, not only separately, but also in combination with other coloured gravels, thus allowing you to draw shapes and motifs on them.


To calculate the amount of material required, specify in square meters the surface you want to cover.
If you wish you can modify the recommended thickness:

Granulometry Thickness Bags Big-bag Total
Green Gravel 9-12 mm. Thickness:
Bags: - Big-bag: - Total: -
Green Gravel 20-28 mm. Thickness:
Bags: - Big-bag: - Total: -
  • Arisac recommends a minimum thickness that you may need, however, this value can be modified and adapted to the use you want.
  • The calculations are approximate, since the weight of the materials can vary according to extraction item.
  • The calculation of quantity (Bags) refers to the bags of Arisac.

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Programa FEDER ERP Certificado de calidad ISO 9001

“Esta actuación está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020”