Spaguetti Green Rock

Spaguetti Green Rock Ver galería (1)
  • 200/400 mm.
  • Jaula/kg., Mini Jaula/ud.


Green Spaguetti Rock  is an importation product, it has an high decorative value, as it’s formed by some slabs for water drops, as a formation of the stalactite and stalagmite caves. The difference is that Red Spagetti Rock is not  a vertical formation  but a  flat stratum which is not shaft.

This materials are usually used to decorate aquariums et terrarius, keeping in mind that the care that every situation require.


  • Gardens
  • Planter
  • Garden way and path
  • Cork
  • Terrariums
  • Aquarims
  • Roundabout
  • Interior decoration
  • Garden pictures


Our commercials offer comercial  work and introduction of new arids ornamentals and new tendency in use arids in gardening and construction area.



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Programa FEDER ERP Certificado de calidad ISO 9001

“Esta actuación está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020”